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Moments of pride

Tonight we hosted our first summer event for the wilder guides group. At bird park we gathered around a fire pit as a family. We prayed together, we ate together, and we enjoyed each other's company.

Those things are all great! That comradeship is a portion of why I started the program. I want that for my boys and I, and also other like minded fathers and sons.

Those of us who have joined together to celebrate the great outdoors and grow in the characteristics that make men, men. Share, debate, lookout for, and hopefully grow together show their character in the behavior their boys mirror.

Well, there were moments where the strength in character that we hope to instill become apparent. I think it is important to recognize my fellow men when they do something that by all accounts seems to come naturally.

I believe in servant leadership, it's one of the founding principles of this program. So tonight I instructed the boys to prepare their sister and mothers food for them. The goal was to teach them that we serve the ones we care about before we care for ourselves. Not one of them performed this task begrudgingly.

Furthermore, each of the boys, using the skills that we learned helped to get the fire started and kept it going throughout the event.

We had one young man who brought a survival/ first aid kit prepared to provide aid should someone need it. Others gathered kindling, branches and logs, some helped to feed the fire and several helped to extinguish it.

The motto states that we are always available to help others. Tonight you all were, and what's more you each did it with a smile on your face.

As a father, and the leader of this band of brothers, I want to say thank you to each of you and tell you all how proud I was in how much you stepped up tonight.

Last and certainly not least, to the mothers that took the mediocre planning of men and made this a great night ensuring that we were prepared, we can't thank you enough.

Despite how much we tell you, or our unorthodox ways of showing it. We would all be lesser men if it weren't for you.

Thank you all and god bless!

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